WR is at sea again

We spent over two weeks at Nuku Hiva, mostly at Taiohae Bay. The town is the neatest we've visited in the Marquesas. It stretches along the
head of the bay with the swell sweeping through the anchorage and
crashing on the shore. The bay is a crossroads for sailing vessels
from all over the world. We took a jeep tour of the island with four
guys from New Zealand. This took us to the north side of the island
and some ancient sites, one of which included a 400 year old banyan
tree that once contained many human skulls.
After sailing to nearby Daniel's Bay we hiked the 5 hour round trip to
the third highest waterfall in the world. Much of the route was on a
stone causeway past old structures, all built by the ancients. When
we returned Daniel himself took us under his wing and gave us drinking
We also sailed to Anaho Bay on the north coast of the island. This
was a nice anchorage completely without swell. We had dinner there on
a French boat and were served murex, a type of shellfish.
On June 1 we left Nuku Hiva for Apataki in the Tuamotus. Here 'we'
refers to Dayle and me. She is from southern California and sailed
from Puerto Vallarta to Nuku Hiva on a New Zealander boat. So far we
have had nearly ideal conditions and should arrive day after tomorrow.
Susan is flying and will meet us there.
If this e-mail is sent it may be the last since my computer is
behaving very strangely.
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